Loenhout, aquifer structure for Underground Gas Storage

  • Wide involvement since 35 years
  • Preliminary and feasibility studies,
  • Basic design, Wells design,
  • Wells drilling supervision,
  • Assistance to surface facilities construction,
  • Supervision of acceptance tests, commissioning and start-up,
  • Assistance to administrative authorizations,
  • Training of operators and preparation of operating documents,
  • Assistance to operation and reservoir follow-up,
  • Supervision of expansion phases (volume and flow-rate increases),
  • Continuous involvement in all kind of G&G, reservoir, wells and drilling studies.

Come tell us about your project

Geostock provides a complete range of services covering the entire life cycle of an underground storage project.

Contact us

Cavité minée – Mined Roeck Cavern
Control room of operated site
Shalapa site operated by Geostock